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NACDL and the ACLU invite you to join us for a presentation and panel discussion exploring the legal obligations of probation, parole, and other supervision systems toward people with disabilities. The program will include practical tips for defense attorneys to advocate for clients with disabilities in their daily practice. Presenters include staff from the ACLU‘s Disability Rights Program and Criminal Law Reform Project, who will share examples from their work in the field as well as their 2024 Resource Guide for attorneys.
*Note: To encourage open discussion and dialogue, we will be following the Chatham House Rule. This allows attendees, including media representatives, to use the information shared during the program, but they cannot reveal the identity or affiliation of the speaker. For any questions regarding this policy, please contact Bonnie Hoffman, NACDL Director of Public Defense.
NACDL invites you to join for a discussion on how to ensure the right to counsel by ensuring meaningful and effective attorney-client communications. This 90-minute webinar will feature the national debut of “Defenselessness” – a video short telling the story of Myles Martin through his own words and art. It will be followed by a panel discussion between those who have faced the legal system firsthand, and the attorneys entrusted with representing individuals like them. The program will delve into the critical role communication plays in upholding the Sixth Amendment right to counsel, and how everyone in the legal system bears a responsibility to ensure it is protected.
Firearms have become the leading cause of death for US children and teens, and disproportionately impact people of color. The impact of gun violence extends far beyond immediate deaths and injuries, with childhood exposure contributing to mental health challenges, and increasing the risk of adult involvement in gun violence.
During this webinar presented by the Joyce Foundation, researchers from the University of Michigan, RTI International, and Sandy Hook Promise will discuss new findings that explore the psychological impact of mass shootings on youth, and the impact of anonymous reporting systems on school gun violence prevention.
Featuring panelists:
1. Alexandria French
Director, Research & Evaluation
Sandy Hook Promise
2. Dr. Elyse Thulin
Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
University of Michigan
3. Kirsty Weitzel
Research Data Scientist
RTI International
**This webinar is part of a Joyce Foundation series focused on firearms research commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The research and analysis presented during this webinar reflect the views of the presenting researchers and not necessarily of the Joyce Foundation or the CDC.**
NOTE: Only the first 1,000 attendees will be able to join the Webinar live. The Joyce Foundation will email the webinar recording to all registrants when it‘s available.
Advancing Real Change presents: "Ask a Mitigation Specialist," a resource program that allows defenders to meet directly and privately with a mitigation specialist for specific technical assistance. Register at link for a 25-minute session with experienced mitigation professionals. The information discussed during each session is confidential. Complete the registration form to request an appointment.