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HomeOn-Demand CLE

On-Demand CLE Library

JDRC members have access to our library of on-demand CLE courses. New courses will be posted regularly. You are only able to take each course one time for CLE credit, but you can come back and view the courses as many times as you would like. In order to ensure that you receive CLE credit, you must initially enroll in our on-demand CLE.
If you are not a JDRC member, please join HERE  (make sure to check the box for on-demand CLE) 
If you are a JDRC member, and you have not signed up for on-demand CLE, please email us to enroll: Email JDRC (you will need to include your name and ARDC number in the email)
**You must be engaged in the practice of youth defense to access this content. By enrolling in on-demand CLE and accessing this content you are representing that you are a youth defender and not a member of law enforcement, a prosecutor, or a member of the judiciary. You also agree that you will not share this content with non-members**


Youth Defense in Illinois: An Introduction

In this course, youth defenders will learn a brief history of the law related to youth defense in Illinois, the scope of current Juvenile Court Act, and how cases brought under the Juvenile Court Act are similar to and different from adult criminal prosecutions. Defenders will be given resources to aid in the initial handling of a youth defense case.

To access course, click here: Youth Defense in Illinois Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit


Adolescent Brain Development and Youth Defense

In this course, youth defenders will learn the basics of adolescent brain development and its impact on youth behavior. Youth defenders will learn what to look for in their client's history and behavior to aid in building a defense based on principles of adolescent development.

To access this course, click here: Adolescent Brain Development Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.


Detention Hearings: A Critical Stage in Youth Defense

In this course, youth defenders will learn the law applicable to detention hearings, what information to obtain from their clients before a hearing, and how they can use that law and information to advocate against detention. They will also learn how to use every detention hearing as an opportunity to build client trust and shape the judge's impression of the case.

To access course, click here: Detention Hearing Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.


The Attorney-Child Relationship

In this course, youth defenders will learn the important aspects of the attorney-child relationship including the role of counsel in delinquency cases, interviewing and counseling youth clients, and navigating relationships with parents/guardians. **This course was adapted from a live course which took place on May 27, 2023. Per MCLE RULES, ATTORNEYS MAY ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR A CLE COURSE ONCE IN A 12-MONTH PERIOD.**

To access course, click here: Attorney-Child Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please Note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.


Challenging Statements: The Intersection of Youth and Miranda

In this course, youth defenders will learn the law regarding youth statements and the strategies defenders can use to challenge the admission of their youth client's statements. Participants will also learn how experts can assist in the challenging of youth statements by evaluating clients for their understanding of Miranda warnings. **This course was adapted from a live course which took place on April 27, 2023. Per MCLE RULES, ATTORNEYS MAY ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR A CLE COURSE ONCE IN A 12-MONTH PERIOD.**

To access course, click here: Challenging Statements Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please Note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.


Abolition of Fines and Fees for Illinois Youth

This training covers the history of the reform effort which led to the abolition of fines and fees for youth and provides a detailed examination of just what this new law covers. We will discuss what this new law means for Illinois youth and provide tips for practitioners. **This course was adapted from a live course which took place on October 4, 2023. Per MCLE RULES, ATTORNEYS MAY ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR A CLE COURSE ONCE IN A 12-MONTH PERIOD.**

To access course, click here: Fines & Fees Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please Note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.


Better Use An Expert: Avoiding Youth Transfer

 In this course, youth defenders will be given an overview of the Illinois law on youth transfer and why they should consider retaining an expert to aid in opposing transfer. They will then hear from psychologist, Dr. Antoinette Kavanaugh, on how to approach and work with an expert witness when your youthful client is facing transfer to adult court.**This course was adapted from a live course which took place on March 30, 2023. Per MCLE RULES, ATTORNEYS MAY ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR A CLE COURSE ONCE IN A 12-MONTH PERIOD.**

To access course, click here: Avoiding Transfer Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please Note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.


Better Use An Expert: A Panel Discussion on Working With Experts

In this course, youth defenders will hear from a psychologist, a mitigation specialist, and two public defenders who will discuss best practices for attorneys in working with expert witnesses in developing and implementing their legal strategy.**This course was adapted from a live course which took place on March 30, 2023. Per MCLE RULES, ATTORNEYS MAY ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR A CLE COURSE ONCE IN A 12-MONTH PERIOD.**

To access course, click here: Expert Discussion Panel Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please Note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.


Understanding and Utilizing Changes to the Youth Mitigation and Transfer Statutes

This course will cover the history of the reform effort which led to recent changes in the JCA and UCC and provide a detailed examination of just what the new law covers. We will discuss what this means for Illinois youth defenders and provide tips for practitioners who need to advocate for their clients under this new law. **This course was adapted from a live course which took place on February 8, 2024. Per MCLE RULES, ATTORNEYS MAY ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR A CLE COURSE ONCE IN A 12-MONTH PERIOD.**

To access the course, click here: Understanding New Mitigation Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please Note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.


The Law Surrounding Miller, Youth, & Emerging Adults: Still Crazy After All These Years

This course provides a snapshot of recent and pending Illinois Supreme Court decisions surrounding youth and emerging adults. It will discuss some positive developments in the trial and appellate courts notwithstanding the tenor of Illinois Supreme Court decisions. It will also outline what arguments are "still on the table" and ways to frame arguments in both the trial court and the appellate court using statutory frameworks, caselaw, and both the U.S. and Illinois constitutions.**This course was adapted from a live course which took place on March 18, 2024. Per MCLE RULES, ATTORNEYS MAY ONLY CLAIM CREDIT FOR A CLE COURSE ONCE IN A 12-MONTH PERIOD.**

To access the course, click here:  The Law Surrounding Miller Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please Note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.

Achieving a Better Disposition: Negotiation and Counseling for Youth Defenders

In this program, defenders will learn how to use negotiation skills to obtain better sentences for their youth clients whether by plea bargain. This session will cover negotiation basics, interest-based bargaining, conflict engagement strategies, generating sentencing options, and being persuasive in promoting a sentencing plan.

To access course, click here: Negotiation Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit


More Than Just a Sentence: All About Youth Dispositions

In this course, youth defenders will learn all about dispositions in juvenile delinquency cases. This course will cover the possible dispositions available in delinquency cases, how to build their client’s preferred disposition plan, and how to effectively advocate for that disposition plan at the sentencing hearing.

To access course, click here: Disposition Course (this link will redirect to Talent LMS and you will use the login given upon registration)

Please Note: No partial CLE credit will be given, you must complete the entire course before receiving credit.