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HomeEvents CalendarDefenselessness: Ensuring the Right to Counsel Through Meaningful Communication

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Defenselessness: Ensuring the Right to Counsel Through Meaningful Communication

Date and Time

Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2:00 PM until 3:30 PM


Panel Discussion

Registration Info

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About this event

NACDL invites you to join for a discussion on how to ensure the right to counsel by ensuring meaningful and effective attorney-client communications. This 90-minute webinar will feature the national debut of “Defenselessness” – a video short telling the story of Myles Martin through his own words and art. It will be followed by a panel discussion between those who have faced the legal system firsthand, and the attorneys entrusted with representing individuals like them. The program will delve into the critical role communication plays in upholding the Sixth Amendment right to counsel, and how everyone in the legal system bears a responsibility to ensure it is protected.
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