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HomeEvents CalendarLessons from the Field Webinar - Keeping Students in School Through School Justice Partnerships

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Lessons from the Field Webinar - Keeping Students in School Through School Justice Partnerships

Date and Time

Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 2:00 PM until 3:30 PM


Panel Discussion

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About this event

Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, the rate of students referred to courts has increased substantially. The majority of referrals to the juvenile justice system each year are for status offenses — activities that are not criminal but are prohibited under the law because of a youth’s status as a minor. For example, truancy — violating a school’s attendance policies — accounted for the majority (58 percent) of petitioned status offense cases disposed in 2021. These referrals sometimes result in students missing school time or going deeper into the juvenile justice system.

As schools actively work to keep students in school – engaged and focused on learning – and build up protective factors for those who are at risk, several have worked with law enforcement, court personnel and others in their community to establish School Justice Partnerships (SJPs). SJPs are designed to develop and implement effective strategies to address low-level, minor misbehavior, so students stay in the classroom rather than the courtroom. Data shows that they also can help reduce suspension rates, increase high school graduation rates, and decrease school dropout rates.

In this webinar, presented by the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, context setting speakers will first discuss how current brain science can inform how schools address minor misbehavior and then provide an overview of SJPs, sharing the main components and process. Then, panelists will discuss what sparked the creation of their school justice partnerships, how their partnerships have evolved over time, and the impact they have had in their communities. The webinar will end with a live Q&A.